Co-wrote in collaboration with NSERC, Toward a New Normal, Models for Success in Embedding Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as Integral to Research and Innovation Excellence: Outcomes from Gender Summit 11 North America
Process designer, writer and facilitator for NSERC, the lead organizer of Gender Summit 11 North America, Montréal, November 2017
- Creation of questions and processes to orient the speakers, moderators and rapporteurs to their roles at Gender Summit 11.
- The objective is to move past presenting evidence, to identifying mechanisms for change through facilitated discussion with presenters and audience at GS11, leading to the compilation of best practices, suggestions for strategic actions, and next steps.
Ontario Regional Facilitator for the national WinSETT Leadership Program
• The WinSETT Centre will offer the WinSETT Leadership Workshops for the second time in Toronto in 2019
• This series of professional development workshops is tailored to early and mid-career females in science and technology based sectors.
Founding member of the editorial board of The International Journal of Gender Science and Technology.

Invited Speaker: “Framing Inclusion”. Presented at the 6th eSTEem Annual Conference, STEM Futures – Supporting Students to Succeed held at the Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, 20017.
Equity and Diversity Awareness Consultant for the Equity and Diversity Committee of Professional Engineers Ontario
• Strategic and action planning and facilitation for a volunteer committee.
Industry and science-based GBA+ (Gender-Based Analysis Plus), 2015-16
• Consultant, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
• Produce relevant case study, and guide for facilitators for a GBA+ training session for program and policy staff.
Promoting women into science and engineering
• Collaboration on creation of program summary for NSERC/CWSE-ON Chair 2003-2011,
• Design and co-facilitation of workshops with the Chair.